Islamic Scholar Tariq Ramadan POSTED BY: THEMUSLIMSTREET By EI-Hajj Mauri Salakhan Like the constitutions of most “developed democracies” in the West, the French Constitution (customarily called the Constitution of the…
World News
POSTED BY: THEMUSLIMSTREET Art Mobley-Contributing Journalist The Darfur 23 (A group of Black American Educators, Journalist and Business people who travel to Darfur, in response to the crisis in Sudan…
EventsHuman RightsOpinionPodcastsWorld News
The Palestinians’ Holocaust: An African American Muslim’s Perspective
Ahed Tamimi- Freedom Fighter POSTED BY: THEMUSLIMSTREET By EI-Hajj Mauri Salakhan We must envisage the possibility, however remote, that black Americans interested in African Affairs may refocus their attention on…